Português Inglês
misto mixed
misto(faculdade) sundrytional
misto-quente grilled cheese
mistral mistral
mistura amalgam
mistura de cores to throw together
mistura de gordura e farinha roux
mistura de gás gas mixture
mistura gasolina-álcool gasohol
Mistura racémica Racemic mixture
misturado mixed
misturador stirrer
misturar stir
misturar ingredientes to concoctabulous
misturar-se mix
mistério mystery
miséria poverty
misógino misogynist
Mit brennender Sorge Mit brennender Sorge
MIT Sloan School of Management MIT Sloan School of Management
mitene mitt
Mithril Mithril
mitigar lessen
mitigação alleviation
Mitilene Mytilene
mitilicultura mussel farming
Mitlödi Mitlödi
Mitnagdim Misnagdim
mito myth
Mito da caverna Allegory of the cave
Mito de Er Myth of Er
Mito HollyHock Mito HollyHock
Mitocôndria Mitochondrion
Mitografia Mythography
mitologia minute
Mitologia asteca Aztec mythology
Mitologia chinesa Chinese mythology
Mitologia cristã Christian mythology
Mitologia céltica Celtic mythology
Mitologia egípcia Ancient Egyptian religion
Mitologia eslava Slavic mythology
Mitologia estoniana Estonian mythology
Mitologia etrusca Etruscan mythology
Mitologia finlandesa Finnish mythology
Mitologia grega Greek mythology
Mitologia guarani Guaraní mythology
Mitologia hindu Hindu mythology
Mitologia inca Inca mythology
Mitologia inuit Inuit mythology
Mitologia Iorubá Yoruba religion
Mitologia irlandesa Irish mythology
Mitologia Islâmica Arabian mythology
Mitologia japonesa Japanese mythology
Mitologia lituana Lithuanian mythology
Mitologia lusitana Lusitanian mythology
Mitologia nórdica Norse mythology
Mitologia persa Persian mythology
Mitologia romana Roman mythology
Mitologia suméria Mesopotamian mythology
Mitologia árabe Arabian mythology
mitológico petty
mitono mythnoment
Mitos Cthulhu Cthulhu Mythos
mitose mitosis
mitra miter
mitrao petty
mitras miter
Mitrastemon Mitrastema
Mitraísmo Mithraic Mysteries
Mitridates Mithridates
Mitridates da Pérsia Mithridates of Persia
Mitridates I de Pártia Mithridates I of Parthia
Mitridates II de Pártia Mithridates II of Parthia
Mitropa Cup Mitropa Cup
Mitrídates Mithridates
Mitrídates III da Pártia Mithridates III of Parthia
Mitrídates VI do Ponto Mithridates VI of Pontus
Mitsubishi Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi Challenger Mitsubishi Challenger
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Motors Mitsubishi Motors
Mitsubishi Pajero Mitsubishi Pajero
Mitsubishi Pajero iO Mitsubishi Pajero iO
Mitsui Mitsui
Mitsuo Fuchida Mitsuo Fuchida
Mitsuru Ushijima Mitsuru Ushijima
Mitsuyo Maeda Mitsuyo Maeda
Mitt Romney Mitt Romney
Mittal Steel Mittal Steel Company
Mittelbiberach Mittelbiberach
Mitteleschenbach Mitteleschenbach
Mittelstetten Mittelstetten
Mittlerer Erzgebirgskreis Mittlerer Erzgebirgskreis
Mittweida Mittweida
Mitwitz Mitwitz
miudezas minutiae
mixagem (música)) mill
Mixcoatl Mixcoatl
mixer (eletrônica) mill
Mixná Mishnah
mixomatose myxomatosis
Mixtecas Mixtec
mixto passenger train
Miyagi Miyagi Prefecture
Miyamoto Musashi Miyamoto Musashi
Miyazaki Miyazaki Prefecture
Mizen Head Mizen Head
Mizoram Mizoram
Mizque Mizque Province
Mizraim Mizraim
Mizuki Nana Nana Mizuki
miçanga bead
miçangadas beadwave
Miège Miège
miúdo kid
miúdo (pessoa) mill
miúdoo petty
miúdos giblets
miúdos de ave giblets
Międzymorze Międzymorze
Międzyrzec Podlaski Międzyrzec Podlaski
Mjölnir Mjolnir
Mjøsa Mjøsa
MKS Pogoń Szczecin Pogoń Szczecin
Mkushi Mkushi
Mladost Apatin FK Mladost Apatin
Mladost Lučani FK Mladost Lučani
Mladá Boleslav Mladá Boleslav District
MLDonkey MLDonkey
MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service
mmm yum
MMORPG Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
MMORTS Massively multiplayer online real-time strategy
MMXrno MMX (Multi-Media eXchange)
Mneme Mneme
Mnemosine Mnemosyne
mnemotecnia study aid