Obteve 9 resultados para o termo de pesquisa Ball
EN Inglês PT Português
ball (n) [general] bola (n) {f} [general]
ball (n) [sports] bola (n) {f} [sports]
ball (n) [dancing] baile (n) {m} [dancing]
ball (n) [dancing] festa (n) {f} [dancing]
ball esfera {f}
ball (n) [small arms] bala (n) {f} [small arms]
ball (n) [small arms] projétil (n) {m} [small arms]
ball baile grupo
ball (n v int) [anatomy: ball of a foot] bola do pé (n v int) [anatomy: ball of a foot] (n v int)

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de ball PT Traduções
control [baseball] regeer
arm [baseball] arm
game [baseball] wedstryd
delivery [baseball] aflewering
mask [masked ball] masker
balloon [shape] ballong
dance [music] dans
ballet [music] ballet
fun [affair] plesier
social [affair] (informal sosiaal
party [affair] party
bottom [foot] onderkant
sole [foot] tongvis
baseball [sphere] bofbal (n)
football [sphere] sokker