Obteve 23 resultados para o termo de pesquisa figure
EN Inglês PT Português
figure (n) [money] montante (n) {m} [money]
figure figurasa
figure (n) [shape] silhueta (n) {f} [shape]
figure (n) [shape] vulto (n) {m} [shape]
figure (n) [person] personalidade (n) {f} [person]
figure (n) [body] forma (n) {f} [body]
figure (n) [person] figura (n) {f} [person]
figure (n v) [drawing] figura (n v) {f} [drawing]
figure (n) [art] figura (n) {f} [art]
figure (v) [name] figurar (v) [name]
figure (n) [drawing] desenho (n) {m} [drawing]
figure (n) [mathematics] dígito (n) {m} [mathematics]
figure (v) [thought] estimar (v) [thought]
figure (n) [money] cifra (n) {f} [money]
figure (n) [mathematics] cifra (n) {f} [mathematics]
figure (n) [money] soma (n) {f} [money]
figure (n) [money] quantia (n) {f} [money]
figure (v) [name] constar de (v) [name]
figure (v) [name] aparecer (v) [name]
figure (v) [thought] achar (v) [thought]
figure (n) [body] linha (n) {f} [body]
figure (v) [thought] supor (v) [thought]
figure (v) [thought] pensar (v) [thought]

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de figure PT Traduções
sign [representation] teken
mark [representation] seel
symbol [representation] simbool
pitch [representation] pik
note [representation] kommentaar
price [cost] prys
amount [cost] bedrag
shape [structure of the body] vorm
form [structure of the body] gedaante
skeleton [structure of the body] geraamte
pattern [design] skema
style [design] styl
count [calculate] in aanmerking kom
add [calculate] byvoeg
cipher [calculate] syfer
profile [outline] deursnee
statue [thing] standbeeld
image [thing] beeld
draft [art] konsep
outline [art] skets