Obteve 14 resultados para o termo de pesquisa początek
PL Polonês PT Português
początek (n) [the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being] {m} origem (n) {f} [the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being]
początek (n adj) [act of doing that which begins anything] {m} princípio (n adj) {m} [act of doing that which begins anything]
początek (n v) [beginning of an activity] {m} princípio (n v) {m} [beginning of an activity]
początek (n adj) [initial portion of some extended thing] {m} princípio (n adj) {m} [initial portion of some extended thing]
początek (n adj) [act of doing that which begins anything] {m} começo (n adj) {m} [act of doing that which begins anything]
PL Polonês PT Português
początek (n v) [beginning of an activity] {m} começo (n v) {m} [beginning of an activity]
początek (n adj) [initial portion of some extended thing] {m} começo (n adj) {m} [initial portion of some extended thing]
początek (n adj) [act of doing that which begins anything] {m} início (n adj) {m} [act of doing that which begins anything]
początek (n v) [beginning of an activity] {m} início (n v) {m} [beginning of an activity]
początek (n adj) [initial portion of some extended thing] {m} início (n adj) {m} [initial portion of some extended thing]
początek (n) [the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being] {m} gênese (n) {f} [the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being]
początek (n) [the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being] {m} génese (n) {f} [the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being]
początek (n adj) [that which begins or originates something] {m} gerador (n adj) {m} [that which begins or originates something]
początek (n adj) [that which begins or originates something] {m} originador (n adj) [that which begins or originates something] (n adj)

Traduções de Polonês Português

PL Sinónimos de początek PT Traduções
start [początek] partida {f}
inauguracja [początek] f inauguração {f}
źródło [początek] fonte {f}
zalążek [początek] germe {m}
dane [źródło] dados (mp)
materiał [źródło] m tecido {m}
dokument [źródło] m documento {m}
podstawa [źródło] f fundamento {m}
geneza [źródło] f origem {f}
powód [źródło] m porquê (adv conj n int)
przyczyna [źródło] f causa {f}
podłoże [źródło] n wafer (n)
gejzer [źródło] gêiser {m}
strumień [źródło] fluxo {m}
zdrój [źródło] exsurgência (n v)
awangarda [czoło] anteguarda (n)
czoło [czoło] n testa {f}
wstęp [początek jakiejś czynności] m acesso {m}