Obteve 6 resultados para o termo de pesquisa agotarse
ES Espanhol PT Português
agotarse (v) [(intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish] diminuir (v) [(intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish]
agotarse (v) [(intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish] decrescer (v) [(intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish]
agotarse (v) [to lessen or weaken over time, as from overuse] gastar (v) [to lessen or weaken over time, as from overuse]
agotarse (v) [to lessen or weaken over time, as from overuse] desgastar (v) [to lessen or weaken over time, as from overuse]
agotarse (v) [provisión] ficar sem (v) [provisión]
ES Espanhol PT Português
agotarse (v) [provisión] estar sem (v) [provisión]

Traduções de Espanhol Português

ES Sinónimos de agotarse PT Traduções
debilitarse [consumirse] verzwakken
acabarse [terminarse] einden
cansarse [fatigarse] moe worden
apurarse [fatigarse] snellen
trabajar [afanarse] werken {n}
esforzarse [afanarse] proberen
luchar [afanarse] ijveren
sudar [trabajar] zwoegen