Português Francês
anfitrião hôte
Anfião Amphion
Anfotericina B Amphotéricine B
anfíbio amphibie
anfíbios batracien
anfíbola amphibole
anfíbole amphibole
anfíbolo amphibole
Anfípoda Amphipoda
Anfípolis Amphipolis
Ang Lee Ang Lee
Ang Thong Province de Ang Thong
angariar racoler
Angaturama limai Angaturama
Angaur Anguar
Angaïs Angaïs
Angecourt Angecourt
Angel Angel
Angel Densetsu Angel densetsu
Angel Heart Angel Heart
Angel investor Business angel
Angel of death Angel of Death
Angel Sanctuary Angel sanctuary
Angel Stadium Angel Stadium of Anaheim
Angela Carter Angela Carter
Angela Davis Angela Davis
Angela Gossow Angela Gossow
Angela Lansbury Angela Lansbury
Angela Merici Angèle Mérici
Angela Merkel Angela Merkel
angelicamente angélique
Angelika Kauffmann Angelica Kauffmann
Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie
Angelo Bagnasco Angelo Bagnasco
Angelo Benedicto Sormani Angelo Sormani
Angelo Poliziano Ange Politien
Angelo Secchi Angelo Secchi
Angelo Sodano Angelo Sodano
Angels and Airwaves Angels And Airwaves
Angels with Dirty Faces Les Anges aux figures sales
Angelus Silesius Angelus Silesius
Angely Angely
Angers Angers
Angerville-Bailleul Angerville-Bailleul
Angerville-la-Campagne Angerville-la-Campagne
Angerville-la-Martel Angerville-la-Martel
Angey Angey
Angiens Angiens
angina angine
angina do peito angine de poitrine
Angiografia coronária Coronarographie
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
angiosperma angiospermes
angiospérmicas angiospermes
Angiotensina II Angiotensine
Angkor Angkor
Angkor Wat Angkor Vat
Anglade Anglade
Anglards-de-Saint-Flour Anglards-de-Saint-Flour
Anglards-de-Salers Anglards-de-Salers
Angle Storyline
Anglesey Anglesey
Anglesita Anglésite
Anglesqueville-la-Bras-Long Anglesqueville-la-Bras-Long
Anglet Anglet
anglicana anglicane
anglicanismo anglicanisme
anglicano anglican